The Space Creator

To create a 3D Privacy Device, I dived into the research process by asking friends about when they felt a privacy breach and wished for a device to prevent that. A lot of answers I received were around their identity on the internet. By far, the cutest story was from my friend, Mel, who was very embarrassed as a seventh grader when her father found her diary, read it, and found out about her crush on the Filipino boy in class. Anyhow, I decided to make a “space creator” for this project. Watch and enjoy!

The space creator is a somewhat scary piece of clothing that creates a physical space around your unattended body – the back. It is inspired from having grown up in India where there is essentially no sense of physical space.

I used a tube shirt, double sided tape and artists tape to create this prototype. The bright colors make it cute and fashionable!

Looks great! Protects awesomely!

Let me know if you need to borrow it 😉

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