Stepper Pomodoro

In this current way of working we are constantly barraged with too many tasks, not enough time, and too little mental space. Many have used the Pomodoro technique of arranging one’s tasks for the day into small chunks of time with built in breaks. However, having a loud ticking and buzzing timer on one’s desk in a busy office environment is not the most courteous thing. This is where the Stepper Pomodoro shines brightest.

The Stepper Pomodoro doesn’t have numbers on it ticking down to your inevitable project deadline, it’s arbitrary silly! Because it is made from genuine stepper motors it has no zero value because of the H-bridges it uses. Therefore, it counts time by how many 1 RPM revolutions it makes before moving on to one of the three dials. It’s not just an added value on faces, you also get the large wooden form factor, 12V AC/DC power adapter, and stepper motors which may combust if left plugged in too long included. Who knew Pomodoro timers could be so combustable, heavy, large, and electrified?!


Instructable found here

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