Nihaarika and Monica’s PoD Student Mood Tracker

Nihaarika & Monica’s Final Project


Overwhelmed college student

It is normal that school is challenging and, at times, deeply so! But sometimes things really do get out of control, and students, unable to communicate to their teachers and advisors how they are feeling, can fall over the edge. It is at this point–when students are burnt out, sleep deprived, and even physically ill, that the institution notices that it’s time for a change.

We believe this is an issue of feedback delay. What if teachers and academic advisors knew before it is too late, that school life for students is going downhill? What if there was a way to stop the burn out and misery before it happened?

The Concept

Preliminary Sketch

The mood tracker is inspired by the notion of checking in on how a group of people are doing using “thumbs” as a visual cue. An upward, side, or downward-pointing thumb signifies a good, ok, or bad emotional state, respectively 👍👎

When a students punch in their mood on the tracker, the tracker tallies up the number of presses for each button. When any one button reaches 20 presses, the tracker sends data to an internet feed, which in turn triggers an email to the academic advisor announcing the student status.

Let’s See It In Action

Product in use

This product is designed to help academic advisors to know how a student cohort is doing on a daily or weekly basis, so that they can take action when needed.


The concept of of checking in date back to the 1960’s practice of punching. -in at work.

Our mood tracker bears a core resemblance to the standing satisfaction booths in airport bathrooms and stadiums.

However, our product goes further in that it is not so much an endless vessel for feedback, but an alert system that is triggered at specific moments to help educational institutions and staff know when to check in with their students. 

The Neumann study found emotional exhaustion and lack of felt accomplishment are ingredients of the burnout process. Therefore, Emotional fatigue greatly influences student performance and affects personal commitment which makes it important to track and prevent.

Lastly, we use the thumbs similar to the iconic Facebook “LIKE” since it is a familiar concept to a majority of our target audience -Millennials.

Open-Sourcing the Mood Tracker

A mood tracker can be used in settings other than schools. It would be interesting to imagine this product in work settings as well.

To create your on Mood Tracker for school or work, click here and follow the steps.

How We Did It: Our Process

User Story Board
User Story Board
Low Fidelity Model
3D Rendering
Final Product

Final Product Shots

PoD Mood Tracker: Vote Good
PoD Mood Tracker: Vote Bad

Future Projections

Lastly, since emotional feelings are a lot more complex and subjective to each individual having a detailed database on who clicks what button throughout the week would help understand individual emotions better.

What we learned

Once again, two steps forward, one step back.

Don’t let power and ground touch.

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