Hello World! from Steve Hamilton


I grew up in Southern California where I once refused to go to a private school my mom tried to send me because the uniform included corduroy pants.  After studying Literature and Philosophy at Santa Clara University I moved to San Francisco and then after deciding I wanted to work on New York Indie Style movies I moved here in 1990 and began a career as a Film Editor under the mentorship of NY Indie Film Icon Hal Hartley and as a sound designer on several movies for currently very “un” indy Ang Lee.  I started making sound and video art about 15 years ago and I’m relatively obsessed with a variety of bleak existential narratives.

After 20 years of film editing I thought it was time for a change and when thinking hard about what I would have done with my life if I’d not been a filmmaker I remembered the pants.  I’ve been obsessed my entire life with the tiny details that make life interesting, fun, functional and beautiful.  I also feel like maybe there’s more to life than filling it with media so I’ve decided to engage more fully in the physical world and this design program is the place.

You can look at my artwork at this blog here  . . .


And you can see some of the movies I worked on at this IMDB link


I love hats.

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