Artificial Snake Pet Night-light





I got the idea to create an artificial snake night-light because I was born in the year of the snake, and in China snakes represent mystery and delight, which hold a special meaning for me. Furthermore, with its interactive light-up function, the snake can light-up when I go dancing!

I began my project by using what we learned in class.  I based my project on the “skirt” Arduino code. I adjusted the sensitivity of the sensor to recognize movement more quickly and light up in a random pattern.

Once I was sure that the lights worked, I began soldering solid wires to my flora board and connecting them to eight pixel LED lights. This was a challenge because at times I did not know which were positive and negative. When I finally got the pixels working I placed rubber shrink wrap around each of the wires to hold the connection.


Next I went through the scraps in the VFL and found a nice shiny fabric.  I sewed the pieces together by hand to resemble the body and head of a snake. This took me fifteen hours in total to get the stitching correct!  But the body was too loose and I wanted it to coil like a snake.  Next I found several thick wires and pushed them through the body of the snake and then by hand shaped the snake body into several coils.



Once I had the shape correct, I began to sew the flora board to the inside coils of the body of the snake using conductive thread. Then I began to individually solder the wires to each of the eight pixels.  This was a messy process and I got frustrated by all of the wires. Once I finished soldering all of the wires to each of the eight pixels, I began to layer them against the body of the snake. As I wrapped the wires around the snake I sewed each of the pixels to the body of the snake.  The pixels are held in place with the stitching techniques that we learned in class.



The last step was to sew in the motion sensor. The snake is designed to be worn as a bracelet.  Once the battery pack is plugged in and you wave your arm the snake will light up!

Enjoy the video!

Artificial Pet + Flash Night Light

Hi, everyone,

I have changed my words to artificial pet, so my object name is artificial pet flash night light.  My idea is a monkey shape toy that can seat on your shoulder and hang on to your neck.  The details of the monkey are simplified.  The light will be inside of the body, It will light up when a person walks with it on their shoulder.  I will use the code we have learned “sparkle dress” for my toy.
I would like to make the toy so the monkey’s head can turn. I will figure out this part.
Thank you!

Duct Tape Mousetrap / May(Shuchang) Sun


Using duct tape to design a mousetrap, I started to think about the traditional mousetraps.  The traditional mousetraps would kill the mouse immediately and you have to deal with the situation with your hands.  So the design of Duct Tape Mousetrap is giving people choices, either to keep mouse alive and release it, or to bury it underground.

Working process

Material: hard board, duct tap, iron wire




Final products




Choose the handle you will use,  install it into the box, then put the mousetrap in corner of your home or backyard.


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After you catch the mouse (when the duct tap got damaged), take the mousetrap to release the mouse.


If you don’t want the mouse to come back, dig a hole to bury the mousetrap as a mouse grave.



Thank you!

May Sun

Hi, my name is May (Shuchang) Sun and I’ve come to SVA from Beijing, China where I studied industrial design at The China Central Academy of Fine Art.


I am interested in all kinds of design applications, some of which respond to social needs that I experienced in China, such as designing children’s  playgrounds that work in the limited space of the city.  Other inspiration for my work comes from fashion, and the ways we choose to present ourselves to one another.  This is exciting to me because it is a chance to study style, gender, and relationships together.

Don't lie to beauty7

I am very excited to be at SVA to have the chance to make new friendships and explore new ideas together!