A time thief from Jingting!

It’s sad to mention that we are always so busy every day. We have no time to sleep. We have no time to cook. We have no time to do the laundry. We completely lost our personal life.

I was always thinking about if I have 20 more minutes a day, what would I do? Maybe make a phone call to my mom? (She’s concerning about me but I don’t have enough time to share my life with her) Maybe keep a diary? Maybe just do a massage after a shower which makes me both healthier and happier?

!!! Stop daydreaming!!! If I have 20 more minutes a day, I’d rather sleep or doing homework!!!

So I designed a clock which has two modes. In the regular mode, the time is same with outside world. But for the stealing time mode, there is only 59 minutes in an hour, which means, after a hurry day, when you change your clock from stealing time mode to regular mode, you will have 24 more minutes to enjoy your personal life!

Feel happy? (Yes!!!)

I’m going to use an LCD screen for this project. I already have that in the sensor kit I bought from China! (It seems I also have a clock module. But I’m not sure how to use that.) After searching for some sample code on the internet, I’ll use millis to count time, and then print them out. I’m still a little bit not sure about which structure will I use. I’ll search them deeper tonight after posting the blog.

Sample code: https://github.com/joonyeechuah/digital_clock/blob/master/digital_clock.ino


On Instructables, I also saw some awesome mechanical clock drove by a motor. I’ll also take them in consideration.


The problem I realized are:

  1. Is a battery can run a long time? Several passages I read mentioned about that.
  2. How to set up the time at the beginning?
  3. If the battery run out, how to reset time?
  4. Can I choose how many minutes I want to steal from an hour? If I don’t want my user to change in the code, is there any other ways to do that? Maybe from Bluetooth?

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